Undergraduate Domestic (Ontario Resident) Tuition Fee Request

Undergraduate Domestic (Ontario Resident) Tuition Fee Request

Complete this form if you have been charged Out-of-province tuition fees and wish to apply for Undergraduate Domestic (Ontario Resident) tuition fees.

You must meet the Eligibility for Undergraduate Domestic (Ontario Resident) Status in order for your request to be approved. Prior to using this form, carefully review the eligibility criteria and ensure you have all the required supporting documentation. Requests with missing documentation will be denied.

This form must be submitted by the posted payment deadlines for the semester in which you are applying for a change in fee status.

Once your request is reviewed, you will receive an email notification with the decision.

Please note: it is your responsibility to ensure your full balance is paid by the established payment deadlines. If your request is approved after your fees are paid in full, you will receive the appropriate credit on your account.